RPP Architects has a long-standing association with Belfast’s best-known city-centre hotel, the Europa hotel.
First commissioned in 1993 by the hotel’s owners, the Hastings Hotel Group, RPP undertook a radical transformation of the building’s façade that included the re-establishment of its main entrance onto Great Victoria Street via a three-storey drum. When lit at night, the line of curved steel features running the height of the building forms an urban landmark visible throughout much of the city.
In recent years, RPP has undertaken the refurbishment and extension of the ‘Causerie’ restaurant and main hotel reception; a major extension to provide an additional 35 standard bedrooms; and the refurbishment of the 10th floor to create luxury executive suites.
These latest works have involved RPP’s Architecture and Interior Design teams working hand-in-hand to produce high quality interiors in one of Belfast’s most recognisable landmark buildings.